The Salt Suite

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1425B SE 17th St.
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Phone Number
(954) 520-SALT (7258)
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Welcome to South Florida’s first Salt Therapy Facilities! Discover a 100% natural alternative to find relief from respiratory ailments and skin conditions. Escape from your daily routine to an invigorating salt oasis. We look forward to seeing you soon. Our Salt Suite locations are centers for wellness and relaxation. This is where you can come to heal… to feel good… to breathe. In creating this therapeutic haven, every care was taken to ensure a calm, comfortable environment for all who receive treatment here. Our clients and their well-being are of utmost importance to us. You will always be treated with kindness and courtesy, and you will always feel welcome.
When you enter the adult and children salt suites, you’ll see that the floor and walls are covered in salt. This creates a negative ion and bacteria free environment. Once comfortable, the generator comes on and you begin breathing in the healing salt aerosol. The dry salt aerosol is an extremely fine dry mist and hardly noticeable.

Adult Relaxation Suite
Our adult salt suite has a maximum of 7 people and is equipped with luxurious chairs and footrests. Each person has their own divided space to completely relax. Inside the salt rooms, you can enjoy one of our magazines, listen to relaxing music, meditate, or simply rest. Feel free to bring your own music or reading material. Please refer to our FAQ page regarding your own electronics.

Children’s Relaxation Suite
Our children’s suite is designed to provide kids with a playful environment while they receive therapeutic treatment. It is an interactive, engaging space. There is a TV available if parents would like their kids to watch movies or cartoons. There is a “Kid’s Table” with coloring books, puzzles, and toys. It is the salt on the floor that the kids enjoy most. It allows them to play with toys just like on the beach. In the room are a couple of chairs for parents to use if they wish to sit with their children or feel free to play in the salt with them.

You can wear normal clothing. If you are treating a skin condition such as dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis you may want to expose those areas if possible. See our Frequently Asked Questions page for other suggestions and details like this.


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