Musicfor International and Musicfor International, are pleased to present chamber orchestra performances and masterclasses for youth as a part of its 2024 Summer Strings presentations.  Artistic Director, Lorenzo Turchi-Floris, based in Rome, will be in residence to conduct the orchestral performances, all of which will feature French violinist, Charlotte Orcel as soloist.  A member of the prestigious string quartet, QuartettOrfeo, based in Rome, Charlotte is a graduate of the Ecole de Musique of Geneva and has won the prestigious Prize Piere Vidoudez. She has performed with festivals and orchestras around the world, and artists such as Nelson Freire and Nigel Kennedy among others. Her passion and devotion to teaching in the humanitarian field include the NEOJIBA program in Brazil, the National Conservatory of Music in Palestine, as well as Mozambique, Haiti, and South Africa. Musician members of the String QuartettOrfeo have collectively appeared around the world - throughout Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

A multi-faceted artist, Turchi-Floris is also recognized in the international music scene as a pianist-composer having appeared with national symphonies on 4 continents, and numerous festivals including the international festivals of  Versoix and Nice. He has won numerous piano competitions and is the artistic director of Opera Italiana. His recordings are on the Italian RAI among others.

Summer Strings will include masterclass residencies for students of Musicall, a South Florida music conservatory.  Musicall is celebrating its 11th Anniversary and its recent 1st Place win at the Summa Cum Lade Youth Music Festival in Vienna. Students will work in masterclasses with these internationally acclaimed Musicfor professional musicians as a part of the residency.

The Musicfor America String Orchestra will be featured in a performance on August 25 at 3 pm UCC Church, Ft. Lauderdale to include the music of Puccini, Dvorak, Beethoven, Holst, Puccini, Prokofiev, and Vivaldi’s Summer & Winter from his Four Seasons.  Summer Strings soloists join morning worship at St. Marks Episcopal Ft. Lauderdale on August 25th.

Musicfor America, the newest arm of Musicfor International alliance is dedicated to the humanitarian use of the arts to improve individual lives and our communities throughout the US and the Americas.  Nearly 1,000 musicians and professionals in various parts of the world work together for this common purpose.

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