Indiana SanchezMIAMI, FL - The 2016 Presidential race is shaping up to be one of the most polarizing races America has seen in over 50 years. This election is going to be a clash of ideologies, beliefs and core values, and the involvement of many participants is going to be essential. A government is only as strong as the amount of people who are actively involved in the electoral process. The difference citizens make determine the results of an election, and validate that the process is fair and reflective of the majority. Indiana Sanchez is a powerhouse, female-Nicaraguan native who has founded the Make It Count Vote Now campaign, which aims at getting over one million people to register to vote in the 2016 election. This is a non-partisan program. Having been an immigrant, and currently as a U.S. citizen, Indiana Sanchez values the right to vote. Based on statistics, Indiana’s concern is that so many low income families have not exercised their right to vote. With the Make It Count campaign, Indiana hopes to reach segments of the population that do not usually have a large turn out on voting day; this is why she hopes to reach more low income families, unemployed voters and minorities.

Traditionally, canvassing is the preferred method of encouraging people to go out and vote. This campaign is offering an alternate way of reaching potential voters, which is more targeted and effective than street canvassing. The Make It Count campaign uses a unique database that allows the campaign to access the information of CEOs of large and small companies around South Florida. Targeting CEOs and asking them to encourage their employees to go out and vote has a greater impact than these individuals being approached at their homes by people with whom they have had no prior interaction with. Indiana Sanchez notes, "Based on the U.S Census, 3 out of 4 Latinos do not vote in elections. We have developed a database from D and B, Standard Poor’s, and Database America. There are 16,800 CEOs in South Florida and we will contact them via phone, and mail to motivate and assist with the registration process of their employees for this presidential election." By encouraging employees to participate in this manner inspires a more open work environment that invites stimulating discussions amongst one another at all levels of the company. This sort of initiative ignites important conversations amongst coworkers that may help make an even more informed decision. Every person who the program registers to vote will receive a parchment certificate suitable for framing, congratulating participants on exercising their citizenship rights.

The Make It Count Vote Now campaign is a national U.S program which launches in South Florida on Monday and throughout the United States. For more information, please visit

More about Indiana Sanchez:

Indiana Sanchez started modeling at age 18 with MC2 Miami modeling agency and won Miss Nicaragua 2009. She competed for Miss Universe in 2009. As Miss Nicaragua, Indiana worked with various non-profit organizations such as Pipitos in Nicaragua, Operation Smiles, Miami Children’s Hospital and Cohen Foundation and created awareness of their causes. Indiana has worked at the Grammys, Super bowl, Miami Fashion week, and Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York. She worked as a model for Univision at “Sabado Gigante” Republica Deportiva” and “Despierta America”. Indiana is currently a real estate investor developing properties in Miami. She has built a career in healthcare mergers. Recently, she participated in a multimillion dollar merger for one of the leading medical services providers to Federal prisons. Indiana Sanchez is also the Founder of IS Proof Foundation; a 501 (c) 3 organization founded in 2012, with a mission to provide free tutoring to children of low income families. Indiana’s educational background includes a degree in Business Administration from MDC. She is completing her Masters in Healthcare Administration at Florida International University. She also took courses at Harvard University.

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