Maria A  DiazBefore moving to the United States, Maria Antonietta Diaz had been an accountant working in Venezuela for more than ten years. A rare opportunity presented itself and Maria accepted a position in the U.S. It was two years, before she could officially make the move from her native Maracaibo, Venezuela in 1997.

Once in the U.S., Maria began to seek ways in which she could assist entrepreneurs. Her experience working in Venezuela provided the foundation for her new business, but she needed to overcome the hurdles every new business owner encounters. She was successful and that led her to the creation of additional services for her clients.

Maria founded GBS Group and is now its CEO. GBS is a group of consulting companies, which specialize in business start-ups, financial and tax advice, business consulting and talent. They have more than 600 clients, 30+ employees and have been in business for 15 years. Maria is a natural businesswoman and her inspiration and driving force comes from assisting other Latin American entrepreneurs become successful. She is an active member in the community and has received numerous honors and recognitions for her work.

Although it was a long journey, Maria is proud of her accomplishments and feels a deep connection to her community.

"Hispanic Heritage Month is a great opportunity afforded to us in America to recognize the contributions Hispanics have made - and are making - in the U.S." she said. "I am a proud U.S. Citizen. I have lived firsthand the opportunities available in this great country. My family and I feel blessed - we are able to contribute to and enjoy a country that offers safe harbor and a bright future." – Maria Antonietta Diaz

Maria Antonietta and her husband Jorge reside in the City of Weston with their two kids Andreina (19) and Jorge Jr. (23).

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