ORLANDO, Florida – (July 11, 2022) – Between the heat and afternoon thunderstorms, Florida summers can be brutal for families who want to keep the kids active and busy as much as possible. WonderWorks Orlando makes educational summer fun a breeze for locals and tourists alike, offering over 100 hands-on exhibits, activities, and more to explore. Kids won't even realize it, but they will avoid the dreaded “summer slide” of losing some of what they learned in school, making it the perfect place for kids this summer break.

"We're gearing up for a busy summer! Visitors and locals love coming to us because we're both educational and entertaining," says Brian Wayne, general manager at WonderWorks Orlando. "Plus, summer vacation is the perfect time to stop by to keep kids of all ages actively learning while they are out of school."

Open daily from 9 am to midnight, the indoor attraction offers something for everyone. It's an amusement park for the mind, combining education and entertainment. This summer, people can beat the heat, have fun, and keep learning all at the same time when they visit WonderWorks Orlando. 

It's also the perfect spot for summer camps wanting to take their group on a field trip. Group rates are available for those with 15 or more people when arranged at least 48 hours in advance.

Some of the fun activities that guests will find at the upside-down house include:

  • Over 100 hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) exhibits that challenge the mind and spark the imagination, including the Hurricane Shack, Bed of Nails, Bubble Lab, and the Astronaut Training Gyro.
  • Activities in the Wonder Zones, covering topics such as space, light, sound, extreme weather, pressure, and more.
  • An indoor, glow-in-the-dark ropes course with 50 different obstacles, perfect for staying active while also staying cool. 
  • New exhibits, such as Good Vibrations and Sphere We Go. 
  • Exhibits that transport guests to other places, other times, and even other planets—guests can explore our planet on the Google Earth and Wonders of the World exhibits or discover the secrets of our neighboring planet with Google Mars and Mission Mars.
  • The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show, offering shows at 4 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm. Audience participation throughout the show will help boost confidence, and Tony’s new tricks will “WOW” the audience.

"With all our exhibits rooted in STEM topics, WonderWorks is a win-win for parents and families this summer. It's the perfect place to cool off, have fun and learn something new,” says Katie Taber, education sales manager at WonderWorks Orlando.

WonderWorks’ VIP ticket is the perfect summer option for families visiting the area or who are residents of Central Florida. VIP guests can take advantage of all that the upside-house has to offer and enjoy a night on the town to experience the longest-running dinner show in Orlando. VIP tickets start at $61.99, plus tax, for adults and $44.99, plus tax, for children. Kids ages three and under are free but still need a ticket to enter and a reservation for the dinner show. Visit the website for showtimes and to purchase tickets: https://www.wonderworksonline.com/orlando/the-experience/the-outta-control-magic-comedy-dinner-show/.

WonderWorks Orlando is located at 9067 International Drive and is open 365 days a year. It offers a variety of educational and student group opportunities, including visits for Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, summer camps, team builders, and more. To learn more about the opportunities offered or for ticket information, visit the site: https://www.wonderworksonline.com/orlando.

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