FortLauderdaleSealFORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- The City of Fort Lauderdale was recently named "Most Outstanding Green Government" by the South Florida Chapter of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).  The City received the designation at the annual USGBC GalaVerde Awards, South Florida's premiere LEEDership and Green Awards Program.
The Most Outstanding Green Government award recognizes a local government that implements progressive initiatives and demonstrates an overall commitment to sustainability.  Proactive initiatives highlighted in Fort Lauderdale's entry reflect the City's community-wide effort to engage employees and neighbors and encourage them to identify and apply practices to create a more sustainable community.  Specific initiatives include:  the creation of a Sustainability Advisory Board; the adoption of a citywide Sustainability Action Plan; the Smart Watts program to educate neighbors about techniques and benefits of reducing energy consumption; the Green Your Routine volunteer initiative that offers financial! incentives to promote recycling throughout City neighborhoods; and the Go Solar campaign to encourage increased use of solar panels to create jobs and stimulate our economy.
"As a City, we recognize the importance of integrating environmentally sound practices into every aspect of our organization," said Fort Lauderdale Mayor John P. "Jack" Seiler.  "This commitment is reflected in our recently adopted citywide Vision Plan, which identifies sustainable development as a top priority.  We are confident that our long-term investment in sustainable solutions will pay dividends by making Fort Lauderdale a stronger, more resilient and adaptable City, while enhancing our quality of life today and for future generations.  It is a tremendous honor to be recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council for our leadership efforts in this area, and we look forward to continuing to do ! our part to advance sustainability at the local, state and national levels."
The mission of the South Florida Chapter of the USGBC is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, to enable a sustainable, socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment in which people can live, work, learn and play.  The South Florida Chapter of USGBC hosts the annual GalaVerde awards to celebrate and honor exceptional programs that further the creation of a more sustainable South Florida.
In addition to the City's "Most Outstanding Green Government" Award, the South Florida Chapter of USGBC recognized several other outstanding projects in Fort Lauderdale with GalaVerde awards.  The City would like to congratulate the following award winners:
Most Outstanding LEED Project (Private) - Pine Crest Central Chiller Plant
Most Outstanding LEED for Schools Project - Pine Crest Preparatory School Lower Classroom Building
Most Outstanding LEED Neighborhood Development Project - Northwest Gardens
Most Outstanding LEED for HomesIMulti-Family Project - Northwest Gardens Ill
Most Outstanding LEED for HomesIMid-Rise Project - Dr. Kennedy Homes

For more information about City of Fort Lauderdale sustainable programs and initiatives, please visit the City website at

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