Photo 1 ref Armando Bringuier of ChildNet, and St. Gregory Catholic School student volunteers, delivering bags to ChildNet’s Safe Place.

PLANTATION, Fla. – A caravan of cars came filled with 150 duffle bags, stuffed with toys, t-shirts, socks, blankets and toiletries, were delivered recently to ChildNet’s Safe Place.  ChildNet, the community-based care lead agency in Broward and Palm Beach counties, oversees Safe Place which is an emergency intake and placement facility.  When children are removed from their homes due to abuse, abandonment or neglect, they are brought to Safe Place while an appropriate placement is identified.

“It is so great to have local students volunteer to help children who are going through a difficult time in their young lives,” said Elizabeth Wynter, ChildNet director of community relations. “We are so fortunate to have caring community members step in to make a difference for children in foster care.”

The duffle bags were collected and filled by 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students at St. Gregory Catholic School who participated in a service project called Bags N’ Stuff. Bags N’ Stuff was started by former St. Gregory student Adam Azan in an effort to provide “luggage filled with love” to foster children of all ages.

“These emergency bags let the children know that they are important enough to have new necessities carried in a duffel bag, not a trash bag,” said Azan. 

As the single private non-profit entity responsible for administration of the local child welfare system, ChildNet brings years of dedication to protecting abused, abandoned and neglected children in the communities it serves.

For more information about ChildNet, please call 954-414-6000. Visit and ChildNet on Facebook at

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