Sewer Force Main Project in Coral Ridge and Poinsettia Heights

As the City's sewer force main project nears completion, the contractor was recently performing pressure testing throughout the new line in preparation for the upcoming activation. Testing revealed the new pipe was not performing as expected in two locations:

  • Bayview Drive and NE 27 Street in Coral Ridge
  • NE 18 Street and NE 17 Terrace in Poinsettia Heights

Over the next two weeks, crews will be excavating the pipe in these areas to gain a better understanding of why the pressure isn't being held appropriately and make any necessary repairs or adjustments. The following closures and detours are in place while this work is underway:

  • Bayview Drive is closed between NE 27 Street and NE 27 Court. Traffic is being detoured to NE 26 Terrace.
  • NE 18 Street is closed between NE 17 Avenue and NE 17 Way. Traffic is being detoured to NE 17 Street.

Please follow posted signs and drive with caution. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this work and thank our neighbors for their patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the City's 24-hour customer service center at 954-828-8000 or


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