City of Fort Lauderdale crews will attempt to identify and repair a leak in a 10-inch water main within the underground tunnel that connects Birch State Park to Fort Lauderdale Beach. This work is scheduled to take place overnight Tuesday, May 17 through Thursday, May 19 between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. in order to minimize impacts to motorists. While this work is underway, the following road closures and detour will be in effect:

  • A1A will be closed in both directions from Sunrise Boulevard to south of NE 14 Court.
  • A1A will be open to local traffic only from south of NE 14 Court to Oakland Park Boulevard.
  • Traffic will be detoured to Sunrise Boulevard, US 1, and Oakland Park Boulevard. 

Thank you for your patience as we make these necessary repairs to our water distribution system.

For more information or questions, contact:

Jason Walker, Public Works Distribution & Collection Chief
954-828-7684 or

City of Fort Lauderdale 24-Hour Neighbor Service Center
954-828-8000 or

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