ORLANDO, Fla., (UPI) -- Universal Orlando says it is putting an end to the longtime duel between intertwined roller coasters on the theme park's Dragon Challenge ride in Florida.

While not specifically referencing two accidents over the summer in which two riders were struck by loose objects, the theme park said it will stop the practice of launching the roller coasters at the same time, the Orlando Sentinel reported Wednesday.

Universal Orlando said the ride is now billed as a "high-speed chase between two coasters."

The Dragon Challenge was initially known as Dueling Dragons when it began operating in 1999. It was updated with a Harry Potter theme in 2010 when it was incorporated into the park's Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

The ride was originally designed so that the two roller coasters, which can reach speeds of 60 mph, passed within 18 inches of each other, the newspaper said.

Roller coaster safety experts say falling objects on roller coasters have become more prevalent in recent years with the growing popularity of smartphones.

"Today, we hear a lot about cellphones because people are trying to take pictures while they're riding," theme park consultant Dennis Speigel told the newspaper. "Sometimes they lose their grip, and the thing flies out."

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