Fort Lauderdale, Florida -- Children’s Harbor kicks off a milestone 25th anniversary this year with the 9th Annual Harbor Lights Gala at the Conrad Fort Lauderdale Beach, 551 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd., on Saturday, April 9 from 6 to 10 p.m.

Themed “Havana Nights,” the Harbor Lights Gala benefits Children’s Harbor, a nationally accredited nonprofit agency with a mission to help strengthen families in our community while providing safe shelter and support to teens in foster care so that they may grow into healthy, educated and productive adults.

The evening begins with cocktails and cigars with the backdrop of the sunset on the rooftop lounge of the Conrad. They then move inside for dinner and dance with a live musical guest, Fondo Blanco, who brings the perfect blend of Latin and American music. The celebration continues at 10 p.m. with the Hora Loca after-party.

“This year’s Harbor Lights Gala is truly a celebration of 25 years of hope and healing. Our story began in 1996 when a local businessman, Bill Mahoney, learned that there was a foster care crisis in our community,” said Children’s Harbor CEO Tiffani Dhooge.  “Unable to ignore this reality, he reached out to other like-minded individuals, and together they decided to create a solution. Fast forward 25 years and thousands of lives have changed course because of the determination of a few We are so thankful to the extraordinary network of sponsors, donors, and supporters who make it possible for us to have an incredibly meaningful impact on the lives of the children and families we are entrusted to serve.”

Tickets to the Harbor Lights Gala are $300 which includes an open bar, cigar circle, gourmet dinner, and dancing along with an after-party beginning at 10 p.m. To purchase tickets, visit

For more information, call 954-252-3072 or visit

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